mardi 22 janvier 2013


I'm learning that it's possible to drive and cry at the same time.
I'm learning that it's ok to laugh out loud. 
I'm learning that some days are worse than others.
I'm learning that I can tell people our child is in heaven without bursting into tears. 
I'm learning that  an email, or a piece of chocolate, or a hug, also help.
I'm learning that I need to forgive those who say hurtful things.
I'm learning that not doing it robs us of our peace.
I'm learning that when God's people pray, things happen in our hearts.
I'm learning that there's a huge amount of people suffering out there.
I'm learning that God uses our family, our friends, to bless us in many ways.
I'm learning that God's words are the most soothing, peace-giving, soul resting words there will ever be.

A month ago today, I gave birth to Joakim. I miss him so much. I am standing, because I'm learning what it's like to have God walking alongside us in our suffering.

2 commentaires:

  1. Yes you can drive and cry at the same time, and even hit your wheel shouting "why why why ?" You can ask God why he made you expect such a beautifull gift to eventually take it away from you. Was it His plan all along, to make you suffer like that ?
    Sometimes, our faith in God and the circumstances of our life just seem not to be fitting together.
    As you say, God's words are the most peace-giving words there will ever be. Look at Habacuc's story. Look at his lamentations and his suffering in chapter 1, and the joy in his heart in the 2 last verses of his book. Did God tell him anything worth rejoicing meanwhile ? Not really... but at least He talked to His child, and He revealed Himself to him. Revelation of God is a great source of benedictions, and rejoicing in God is even more glorifying Him when we had a higher level of revelation from Him.
    I'll pray that God's revelation bring you not only peace and rest, but even joy, and that our almighty and most precious Lord be glorified.

    (Sorry for my not-so-good english)

  2. Rachel,

    Thinking about you a lot and I'm so glad to know that you are writing. I've been wondering how you are doing. I will be praying for you and Eddy. Miss you. :)

